Admissions Policy
- Admission Policy 2025-26
- Babington Academy - Admission Policy for 2026
- Determined Admissions Policy 2023
- Determined Admissions Policy 2024
Schools Admissions Service
Leicester City Council manages the admissions for Babington Academy.
Year 7 Transfer - Applicatons must be made online
Mid-term Transfer- Applicatons must be made online
Apply for school transfers here
Contact the schools admissions team
Schools Admissions Service
York House
91 Granby Street
Alternatively you can telephone on 0116 454 1009.
Waiting List
Parents/carers wishing to ensure their child secures a place at Babington Academy should identify us as their first choice. However, if a child’s name goes onto our waiting list, the criteria allocation below is used.
The priority order for places in Year 7 and Mid-term transfers will be in accordance with the LEA criteria for allocation of school places:
Where a school receives fewer preferences than there are place available all pupils will be offered places. Where a school receives more applications than there are places available, the following oversubscription criteria will apply. Pupils with a statement of special educational need or an Education, Health and Care plan which names the school will be admitted.
These allocations will reduce the number of places available
Criterion 1: Children in the care of a local authority or who were previously in the care of a local authority.
Criterion 2: Children who were previously in care outside of England.
Criterion 3: Pupils who have a serious medical condition or exceptional social or domestic needs that make it essential they attend the school requested.
Criterion 4: Children whose home address is in the catchment area of the secondary school with a sibling at the school, who will still be on roll when the applicant starts school in Years 8-10.
Criterion 5: Children whose home address is outside the catchment area of the secondary school with a sibling at the school, who will still be on roll when the applicant starts school in Years 8-10.
Criterion 6: Children whose home address is in the catchment area of the secondary school.
Criterion 7: Children whose home address is outside the catchment area of the secondary school and who have requested a place.
Within each criterion priority will be given to children living closest to the school, as measured on a straight line basis using a geographical information system measuring from the Geo-code reference point from the child’s home address to the Geo-code reference point for the school. 2
A “looked after” child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services function at the time of making an application to the school. A “previously looked after” child is a child who was looked after but ceased to be because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order.
“Sibling” means a brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister or child of the parent/carer’s partner. In every case, the child must be living in the same family unit at the same address.
In the case of a twins, triplet or other children of multiple births, if the final place is offered to one child, and the remaining sibling(s) would ordinarily be refused, places will be offered to the remaining sibling(s).
“Home address” means the child’s permanent home address at the time of application. In the case of split households, it is the address of the person who receives the Child Benefit. ‘At the time of application’ means the closing date for applications. Informal accommodation arrangements with family and friends are not accepted unless there are very special circumstances and supporting proof is required. An address used for child care arrangements cannot be used as the home address for the purpose of applying for a school place.
Booking an Appointment
Once parents/carers have been informed by the Education Department that their child has been offered a place at Babington they are advised to contact the college to arrange an appointment to discuss a starting date and any information relating to the child.
Parent/carers wishing to visit the Academy can contact our reception on 0116 222 1616.