Anti-Bullying Policy
Babington Academy's Anti-Bullying policy can be found by clicking here.
Babington Academy recognises that all students should be able to attend, learn and make progress in a safe and caring environment free from bullying. The Anti-Bullying Policy promotes an anti-bullying ethos by:
- ensuring that everyone at the academy is aware of what bullying is
- creating an anti-bullying culture and promoting good citizenship
- having effective procedures and strategies in place that deal with any bullying issues
- ensuring that there is a clear link between the understanding and promotion of anti-bullying and effective learning
- ensuring that there is a clear link between the understanding and promotion of anti-bullying and effective learning
- ensuring that there is a clear link between the Anti-Bullying policy and the school Behaviour for Learning Policy
Anti-Bullying Leaflets
The following leaflets/guides have been created in partnership with Leicestershire County Council to offer advice and support to parents.