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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


An option subject offered at KS4:

The course provides an opportunity to apply knowledge and understanding to different business contexts which ranges from small enterprises to businesses operating in local and national contexts.  They will develop an understanding of how these contexts impact on business behaviour and use business terminology to identify and explain decisions made within organisations. 

It also provides a strong foundation for students who go on to study business at a higher level post-16.  This qualification in business will enable students to understand more about the business world, motivate and challenge students, and prepare them to make informed decisions about further study and career pathways. 

The GCSE topics include;

Theme One – 50% - 1hr 30 exam

1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship

1.2 Spotting a business opportunity

1.3 Putting a business idea into practice

1.4 Making the business effective

1.5 Understanding external influences on business

Theme Two – 50% - 1hr 30 exam

2.1 Growing the business

2.2 Making marketing decisions

2.3 Making operational decisions

2.4 Making financial decisions

2.5 Making human resource decisions

In business, the intent is for the curriculum to promote an intrigue into the role of an entrepreneur and discover the effects of a growing business. The course will enable learners to be confident to understand and ask questions about the role of businesses in society. Students should have the ability to analyse a given scenario and make effective business decisions as if they were a business owner themselves. There will be support for students to develop skills that are transferable across all subjects and especially for employment in later life. We will develop knowledge in students to enable them to thrive in a world that is driven by businesses.

Helping with homework

For all humanities subjects we would encourage you to support students to read, listen or watch the news regularly.  This helps to increase your child’s awareness of current events and how these might impact on their understanding of finance.
Talking to your child about your family’s ways of managing money including budgeting, saving and using banking services will help too.

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