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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


Intent of Curriculum

Develop learner’s knowledge, skills and understanding through key computational concepts and experience.  The KS3 curriculum has been designed to ensure learners have sufficient knowledge to stay safe online and use computers safely in life.  The KS3 curriculum also provides a focus on developing resilient learners who are able to recover from mistakes and effectively solve problems.  The topics at KS3 give a basis of knowledge, skills and understanding to allow students to progress onto either ICT or Computer Science at KS4 and will provide exposure to those subjects so that students can make an informed decision on their GCSE choices.

The rationale of the KS4 curriculum is for students to develop the mind-set of a computer scientist built upon the foundations at KS3. Learners have the opportunity to develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology.

Implementation of Curriculum

In Computing we implement this through the delivery of a high quality of education which places developing the computing concepts at the forefront of planning. Each scheme of learning is prefaced by its own intent, implementation and impact rationale, underpinned by a deep understanding of the computational concepts. In the schemes of learning assessment is a meaningful vehicle for learning, of learning and as learning to ensure we make a profound positive difference to all students. Various quality assurance activities are undertaken to rigorously ensure that the implementation of the computing curriculum has maximum impact.

Impact of Curriculum

The Computing curriculum at Babington will make a profound, positive impact to the outcomes of all student. Students will be equipped with traits that reflect resilient learners. We will know that this is true as we are delivering a high standard of education, quality assured through qualitative and quantitate measures such as:

  • Attainment and Achievement outcomes
  • Observing lessons and scrutinising planning
  • Standards of learning in books
  • Student voice
  • Destination data
  • Attendance data
  • Behaviour data

OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia

OCR GCSE Computer Science

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