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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Performing Arts

The KS3 Performing Arts Curriculum:

The course allows new comers to the disciple to build their performance skills both on stage and behind the scenes.  The focus of the KS3 course is very much on transferrable vocational skills and to be able to develop the confidence and teamwork skills necessary for short performances to peers and others.  This is a valuable course in that it allows students a chance to be creative and collaborative, as well as bringing their wider knowledge and experiences to the course.  The key focus for the curriculum is opportunities to perform with control and mastering the conventions of drama.  We also provide plenty of opportunities for students to visit performances and experience the wonderful world of Performing Arts.

Experiential and Empathic drama (Year 7 and 8):

This course allows students to develop their basic skills in the conventions of drama and performing arts.  It allows them to experience a wide range of topics and styles within the performing arts world and also to develop empathy skills and vocational skills that are transferrable.  Students are encouraged to work collaboratively and perform to their peers and other audiences where applicable.  All students explore ways of enhancing their confidence in a safe performance space on both long term and short term projects.

The KS4 PA Curriculum: Level 2 Rock School Creative and Performing Arts:

 Students study PA through the Rock School CAPA vocational qualification at Level 2 for KS4. It is a practical approach to PA learning and embeds skills built upon in KS3. Students must complete a total of 20 units for the course and the implementation and completion of these units is spread over two years, starting in Year 10, where the first official unit is completed.

Students must also complete an externally set, controlled assessment, completed over 30 hours.

The current unit schedule is as follows:

Year 10:  Unit 201: Acting For The Camera – 10 credits:

The aim in this unit is for students to explore and experience the world of the film/TV studio and outside broadcasts.  Students learn about the technical aspects of film making both in front and behind the camera as well as the historical context and technical development of film through the ages and how these developments have impinged and shaped the work of the performer.

Students use both practical and theoretical study to explore how film acting has changed since the silent age and provide the students with 'hands on' opportunities to plan and shape performance work for the screen.  We also study the workplace and opportunities for employment within this field.

Year 11: Unit 203: Musical Theatre – 10 credits:

Musical Theatre allows students to be collaborative as they develop an awareness and understanding of the history of this art form throughout the decades.  They are given opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in acting for the stage, dance and singing.  Ultimately, students will be expected to perform a range of shows to a range of audiences and to evaluate their work thoroughly in order to better develop their practices.  As with Acting For The Camera, we will examine the jobs available in musical theatre and the theatre as a wider professional entity.

Students taking this option at KS4 level should have a good understanding of performance work and be willing to perform to an audience.

Extra-curricular PA activities:

Babington KS3 Theatre Groups (Summer Term)

KS4 Performing Arts Group

Theatre trips

Visiting theatre groups/performance

Cross college performance work.


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