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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

SEND at Babington Academy

Babington Academy is inclusive. This has been recognised by our success in achieving the Inclusion Quality Mark. We are keen to ensure that all of our students are given the opportunity to reach their full potential whatever their starting point or learning needs. Indeed, as a staff body, we aim to ensure we make a profound, positive difference to all students so that they are able to secure outstanding outcomes during their time here.  As with all schools, some students have difficulties with learning from time to time, but we do not see this as a barrier to their aspirations and achievement.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCO) are Mrs Sarah Farn & Mrs Fiona Oliver they can be contacted by telephone 0116 2221616 or by email: BAB-SEND@babington.lwlat.org.uk.

Designated Specialist Provision (DSP)

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy 

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