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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Student Learning Zone

Through use of a variety of resources, created and signposted by their teachers, we offer students the opportunity to close gaps in their learning and/or extend their learning remotely. Students are able to access these resources, from home, through this area of our website.

In the event of further disruption to learning, Learning without Limits Academy Trust and Babington Academy are committed to continuing to deliver high quality education to our learners.

The rest of this page contains useful resources, suggested by subject specialists, that are both used at Babington Academy and that can support students to further their learning outside of the classroom. These are split up into subject groups below. Please explore though each department to see what is on offer.

Personalised Learning at Babington

Personalised learning is part of Babington’s unique curriculum offer. This subject provides students with opportunities to develop their: Study skills (e.g. mind-mapping & advanced note taking); independent learning skills (e.g. resilience & aspirations); and employability skills (e.g. listening & speaking); as well as enhancing their knowledge and skills in a curriculum area of their choice. All students have access to our ‘Personalised Learning SharePoint’, which contains an array of resources, created by their teachers, from across the curriculum. We strongly encourage students to access these resources at home to enhance their learning using the link below.


Personalised Learning SharePoint

Personalised Learning at Babington - Guide

Careers Home Learning Activities


Student Emails 

 Office 365

Accelerated Reader

General Resources


Book Catalogue
BBC Bitesize KS3
BBC Bitesize KS4
Seneca Learning
BBC Learning
Future Learn
The Crash Course
Khan Academy
BBC Bitesize (GCSE Subjects)


BBC Bitesize Maths KS4 HegartyMaths

Pixl Maths

Maths Watch


BBC Bitesize - GCSE English Language Accelerated Reader Pixl English
Mr Bruff on YouTube BBC Bitesize - GCSE English Literature Spark Notes


Kerboodle AQA Science Crest Awards Big History Project
BBC Bitesize Science GCSE Free Science Lessons RevisionScience.com STEM Science

More Subjects


Think You Know Age 11-13

Think You Know Age 14+

Anti-bullying Alliance

BBC Bitesize - KS3 PSHE & Citezenship

PE & Performing Arts

Google Classroom (PE)

BBC Bitesize - GCSE Drama

BBC Scripts

Time Out - Best Plays Of All Time

Vocational Studies

Google Classroom (Vocational Studies)

SEN Support

Dyslexia Gold


Business Studies

BBC Bitesize - GCSE Business


Bizconsesh Theme 1 Videos

Bizconsesh Theme 2 Videos

Art, Design & Technology

GCSE Art - Protopage

Product Design - Protopage

BBC Bitesize - GCSE Design & Technology

Food Preparation - Protopage

Modern Foreign Languages

This is Language

Pearson Active Learn



Languages Online

French Games

Spanish Games

German Games


World Geography Games

BBC Bitesize - Geography

BBC Bitesize - GCSE Religeous Education

Historical Association

Education Quizzes (KS3 History)

BBC Bitesize - (KS3 History)

KS3 History Games

BBC Bitesize - (KS4 History)

BBC Bitesize Citizenship - Democracy and Justice

BBC Bitesize Citizenship - Identity and Diversity

BBC Bitesize Citizenship - Rights and Responsibilities

Citezinship - The Justice System


Computer Science

Scratch Online

Blockly Coding

iDEA Award


Hour of Code

Smart Revise (KS4)

Craig n Dave

Code Club

The Computing

Cafe Code.org

Typing Club

Code Academy


TT Rockstars



Prodigy Game

Top Marks

Rapid Plus

Dyslexia Gold

Accelerated Reader


colour strip