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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Teacher Zone

Babington Academy is committed to providing high quality Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance to help inspire students and to enable them to make rational informed career decisions. We aim to meet all eight benchmarks identified by the Gatsby Foundation.

Our Leadership Team views careers as not being the responsibility of a Careers Leader and a small number of teachers, but of all staff in schools and colleges. We can make small changes in the curriculum that can have a big impact in the classrooms.

At Babington Academy we would like all subject areas to do the following:

  • Have a prominent display that links subject learning and skill development to different careers.
  • Develop links with businesses and organisations to invite alumni and other external speakers to come into school (virtually where an actual visit is not feasible).
  • Where appropriate to organise external visits by students to local businesses/organisations.
  • Record careers learning opportunities for students in schemes of learning.
  • Take part in whole school ‘Careers Days’ where all teachers start their lesson with a careers focus, such as talking about their career pathway or showing a short film where people in a range of job roles explain the relevance of skills developed in a particular subject area to their role.
  • Explore the possibility of developing real projects/challenges for students with a local business or organisation e.g., a local company setting IT students the task of designing/updating their website.
  • Consider the needs and interests of all students and ensure that information challenges stereotyping including gender and disability.

If you’d like help or support to embed careers in your subject contact: swhite@babington.lwlat.org.uk who is the Careers Leader for our Academy. 

Example School Careers Programme

Inspire students to explore the world of work

LLEP World of Work Resources

My Learning, My Future

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